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October 2012 - 1000 Lights for Peace, Walk for Peace, Poster Contest, Heros for Peace1000 Lights for PeacePlease come out to Miller Outdoor Theater on Sunday, October 7th at 5 pm to join us at the booths for Face Painting, Henna, Balloons, Arts and Crafts and a preview of our Mahatma Gandhi Library Photo Exhibition. Early seating is by tickets and tickets are available the morning of the program and 1 hour before the show time at the Miller Outdoor Theater box office. 5 minutes prior to showtime, the seats become open seating. Walk for PeaceRegistration will open on Sunday at 3:30 pm and the walk will commence at 4:45 pm. Poster Contest at Unity Houston![]() On Sunday, September 16th, MGL was invited to Unity Houston as part of Mahatma Gandhi Week 2012. Manishbhai taught the students about Mahatma Gandhi and his relevance in society today. The children then participated in the Poster Contest and had the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents as they drew about Peace, Love and Happiness. A special thanks to Ms Sonya Donalson, Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Unity Houston, for inviting MGL and coordinating our visit and to Nina and Neel Wani for their enthusiastic volunteer efforts. Heroes for Peace![]() Mahatma Gandhi Library in collaboration with Children's Museum of Houston celebrated Heroes for Peace Day on Sunday, September 30th, 2012. Special thanks to Mandy Peyrani, P.K. McCrary, Janie Speaker, Jayesh Shah, Namita Sutaria, and Manish Wani for their time spent in putting together a wonderful program. The children had a wonderful time making Origami art and participating in the poster/coloring contest. The waterless tattoos were a big hit as children learned about the 3 monkeys and the message "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil." They proudly displayed the 3 monkey tattoos on their face and arms. The Gandhi Darshan exhibit was also earnestly viewed by the children and their parents as they saw pictures of the life and times of Mahatma Gandhi. Heroes for Peace Day once again was a wonderful part of Mahatma Gandhi Week and again gave us the opportunity to promote the values of peace, truth, and non-violence. Credit Card donations now accepted!You will pleased to know that Mahatma Gandhi Library is now equipped to accept donations by credit card on its website. To donate visit the donations page and click on Make a Donation Show your Support - Be the Change you wish to See"Measure of any public service is the support it receives from the community" - Mahatma Gandhi The support comes in many forms. Two major categories are Financial Support and Volunteer Support. If you would like to offer financial support then please visit our Friend of the Library page. Previous MGL NewslettersAugust 2012 - Summer Youth Program, Contests, Walk for Peace, 1000 Lights for Peace June 2012 - International Festival, Gandhi Study Circle April 2012 - Compassionate Communication, International Gandhi Research Center, Book Club Discussion Review March 2012- Competitions for Young People, Shraddanjali 2012 December 2011 - Shraddanjali 2012, Tryst with Destiny Oct 2011 - 5K Walk for Peace, 1000 Lights for Peace Sep 2011 - Mahatma Gandhi Week, CALL FOR ENTRIES June 2011 - MGL at World Refugee Day, Gandhi Study Circle Feb 2011 - Shraddhanjali, India Fest 2011 Jan 2011 - Gandhi Study Circle, India Fest 2011 |