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Your gift will help keep the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi alive and help uphold his values of peace, truth, and non-violence.
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MAHATMA GANDHI SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMITTEETo learn more about Gandhi Sesquicentennial please visit www.gandhi150.us Celebrating Eternal Gandhi: Everlasting Message of Truth, Non-Violence, Love & ServiceYearlong celebration from October 2, 2018 to October 6, 2019
The MGSC invites you to participate in this yearlong celebration from October 2, 2018 to October 6, 2019 as a Partnering Organization. To participate, we request you to commit to organize one event (during this period) on any subject related to Gandhi or his principles. The event can be a lecture, play, program, exhibition, festival, musical event, workshop, dance performance, film or some other event. Be creative; think of ways in which your organization can further Gandhi and his principles. In return, the MGSC will list your organization as a Partnering Organization. We will also publicize your organization and your program on our website, gandhi150.us, and we would authorize you to post the MGSC Partnering organization logo, shown above, on your website. Let us all join hands to create a community wide conversation regarding Gandhi’s legacy in word and deed – on the streets, on stages and in neighborhood centers – across Houston. Please feel free to contact any of the following individuals to join and to learn about the celebrations.